The Layered Launch Method

For Women Who Are Ready To Scale Their Coaching Businesses With The Same Launch Formulas We’ve Used To Scale Our Clients’ Businesses To A Consistent   5 Figures+ / Month  
These are The Same Frameworks and Systems We Still Use To Scale Our Own Launches, Offers, and Evergreen Campaigns To The Multi-Million-Dollar Level

The Layered Launch Method

For Women Coaches Who Sell High-Ticket Coaching, Masterminds, Online Courses, Events & Memberships
Get The Proven Strategy To Balance Launches VS. Evergreen Campaigns In Your Coaching Business So You Can Build A Scalable Business Model & Marketing Plan That Generate Big Cash Injections AND Consistent Money Months

The Layered Launch Method

For Women Who Are Ready To Scale Their Coaching Businesses With The Same Launch Formulas We’ve Used To Scale Our Clients’ Businesses To A Consistent 
 5 Figures+ / Month  

These are The Same Frameworks and Systems We Still Use To Scale Our Own Launches, Offers, and Evergreen Campaigns To The Multi-Million-Dollar Level

The Layered Launch Method

For Women Coaches Who Sell High-Ticket Coaching, Masterminds, Online Courses, Events & Memberships
Get The Proven Strategy To Balance Launches VS. Evergreen Campaigns In Your Coaching Business So You Can Build A Scalable Business Model & Marketing Plan That Generate Big Cash Injections AND Consistent Money Months

Have You Ever Felt Like You’re “Always Working”...
Always Hustling… But You Still Feel STUCK?

Are you tired of dealing with the constant “feast or famine” cycle when it comes to scaling your coaching business?


Tell me how familiar this sounds to you…

No matter how hard you work, sometimes it feels like you are missing your goals. You struggle when it comes to keeping motivated.

You have less time. 

More stress. 

Or you simply feel backed into a corner.

Or maybe, you’ve heard typical advice that revolves around complicated prospecting strategies, and another pile of templated high-ticket sales scripts.

You follow everything you’re taught… but the results aren’t good enough.

And now that you find yourself struggling to scale, you don’t know who or what to believe. 

And honestly, you’re a little afraid to experiment.

If you can relate to ANY of this…

Then You’re NOT Alone!
In fact… Many years ago I was in your exact shoes (or maybe worse) – and so were THOUSANDS of my previous clients.

I’m Niyc Pidgeon.

By now, you probably know I'm a leading business mentor and positive Psychologist MSc.

What you may not know is that I’ve generated multiple millions in revenue for myself, AND my clients. That success still continues today.

But I’m nobody special. I’m just a girl from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK who started with a big heart, a big vision, and a BIG mission. 

The truth is…

Things would NEVER have gotten any better for me until I admitted I needed guidance, a like-minded group, and a “Business Intervention” with right-fit coaches to help me turn everything around.

I never imagined I would be able to get to where I am today…

I’ve built a business with a global reach, helping thousands of women just like you around the world to access their inner strength and step up to be, do, create, and have more.


My mission is to help millions of humans change their lives through entrepreneurship and positive psychology, and to help women coaches just like you to trailblaze their way to the top.

That’s why – after building a multi 7-figure coaching business over the last 6 years – I’m giving away every single detail inside the scalable framework I’ve used called my Layered Launch Method.

Over 3 days you’ll be immersed – and walk away with – the exact frameworks I’ve refined, tested, and used over and over to scale multiple businesses - and do it in a way that helps you grow a business you’re proud of… while preserving your well-being AND your time too.

And this method hasn’t just worked for me…
This is the same method I’ve taught my own elite coaching clients who have 
generated more than $27 million dollars over the last 6 years.

And I’d Love Nothing More Than For You To Get In On This Live Workshop With Us On February 14th…

And right now it’s just $97.

(But if you don’t like it, that’s ok, you can get a refund…) 
In this 3-Day Immersion Workshop, I’m going to walk you through exactly how to launch (and potentially scale) with my proven system - AND exactly how to set up your evergreen sales and marketing system so you can support consistent cash flow, and give yourself more time and freedom. 

And for the first time ever, outside of my high level courses, masterminds and mentorships ($1k-120k), I’m revealing the exact online sales strategies and systems that are working for my own business, and my clients’.

Here’s A Sample of What We’ll Cover Over 3 Immersive And Exciting Days…

"Your Business Model & Campaign Scaling Strategy"

  • Get clarity on which of your offers will help you scale your business through launches, & which are perfect for evergreen and automated marketing campaigns. 
  • Diagnose your perfect lead generation > campaign > offer fit so you know what to sell and how to sell it with more ease 
  • Get the exact strategy to map out your week-by-week plan so you get out of overwhelm & know exactly what you’re selling when - no more feeling like you’re talking about every offer you have at the same time
  • I’m giving you the exact campaign flow so you can execute on your best launches and campaigns ever… and do it with more fun and more joy than ever before 


"Tactics To Scale Your Launches, Automate, AND Go Evergreen"

  • Discover how to layer your launches so you can sell multiple products at once and leverage the same effort and energy to create bigger results.
  • Understand how to layer your evergreen offers and build the process so you can get to a stable, and potentially scalable level fast.
  • Discover the 3 layers you need to have in place for ANY paid, organic, launch or evergreen campaign to make sure you’re maximizing your opportunities to sell. 
  • I’m giving you the exact strategy to sell ANY price point ANY time in DMs with NO paid marketing or complicated funnels. This is how I regularly sell $15,000-$42,000 programs in a few simple steps.


"The Layered Launch Method - Putting It All Together"

  • You’re getting the proven 5-Step System that’s going to help you strategize AND execute like a 7-figure CEO so you and your team know exactly what needs to get done on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. 
  • I’m teaching you how to get off the income rollercoaster and make 20k, 50k and 100k+ months your new normal, (without stressful launches, or feeling like you’re bothering people by selling all of the things all of the time) 
  • Understand how to create real scarcity and urgency even when your offers are open all year round.
  • Walk away with your next steps to success to make 2022 your best year yet.


And, you’ll receive amazing bonuses once you sign up now…

  • Get the exact spreadsheets and workbook I use to map out my year using the Layered Launch Method! Once you implement this tool, life will never be the same again and you’ll never look back.
  • You’ll receive a Personalized Assessment so you can get my eyes on your business and know the exact steps you need to take next. 
  • I’m giving you my daily cash tracker spreadsheet so you can see exactly how much monthly recurring revenue you’re creating & plan your way to your goals 
  • And more


Gifts are my love language. In the 3-Day LIVE Layered Launch Method Workshop, I’m going to be giving you the chance to win cash prizes AND one of our sought-after Luxury Transformational Toolkits… but you won’t know exactly what they are until you decide to join us now.

Here’s A Tiny Sample Of The Results Our Past Attendees and Clients Have Been Getting Over The Years…

Join Us For 3 Exciting Days and You’ll Leave With The Exact Roadmaps You’ll Need To Potentially Sell More Masterminds, Online Courses, Events, and Members

You’ll leave this 3-day workshop with a comprehensive knowledge of these 

Exactly how to sell your 1:1, group programs, and masterminds using our layered launch formula - AND how to create automated marketing and sales campaigns too. 

Map out your next 3, 6, and 12 months using the proven Layered Launch Method so you can quit the confusion and channel your energy strategically towards your goals… plus, you’ll walk away with the customized and laser-focused action plans you’ll need to implement everything from the workshop starting the very next week.

See how to open up multiple income streams and dial in your marketing and sales strategies. Soon, you’ll get crystal clear on how you can quickly create more predictable, scalable passive income with minimal effort. (And with minimal time, too)

Understand the 27 proven steps to take to dial in your offers, marketing strategies, and all your sales messages so you can make them irresistible to your target audience… get them to know, like, and trust you… and transform them into repeat buyers too.

Get the strategy to sell ANY price point ANY time in DMs with NO paid marketing or complicated funnels. (This is how I regularly sell $15,000-$42,000 programs in a few simple steps!)


Over 3 days you’ll be immersed in – and walk away with – the exact frameworks I’ve refined, tested, and used over and over to scale multiple businesses - and do it in a way that helps you grow a business you’re proud of… while preserving your well-being AND your time too.

This 3 Day Live “Layered Launch Method” hasn’t just worked for me…
This is the same method I’ve taught my own elite coaching clients who have generated more than $27 million dollars over the last 6 years

Do NOT join us if you’re too attached to the way you’ve been doing business — even if it’s not bringing in the results you want anymore.

When your main strategy to grow your business is “figuring it all out alone” and wasting time and energy with trial and error…
All while burning out with the same methods over and over again...

Then you should not join us.

Do NOT join us if you’re too attached to the way you’ve been doing business — even if it’s not bringing in the results you want anymore.

 When your main strategy to grow your business is “figuring it all out alone” and wasting time and energy with trial and error…

All while burning out with the same methods over and over again...

Then you should not join us.

Our worksop probably isn’t for you if you’re not willing to change the facts…

  • You feel like you’re on the sales hamster wheel - always needing to make more sales each month to be able to survive
  • Your business is a rollercoaster of boom and bust, which takes its toll on your bank balance, and your emotions
  • You want to grow and know you “should” try something new, but you’re afraid it could implode your entire business
  • You’re looking at other women coaches making waves online and wondering what they’re doing that you’re not 
  • You have a low level of constant anxiety feeling like you want to get ahead, but you’re worried something might break
  • You’re ready for your next level but you just don’t know specifically what it is that’s going to get you there. So you do the same thing you’ve always done instead.
  • You’ve created a certain level of success, and you’re ready for what’s next, but you’re lacking the clarity, direction, and high-level support to get there, so you second-guess yourself, and continue to coast instead of scale 

Don’t torture yourself like that anymore!

I’m happy to show you that it’s not only possible, but COMPLETELY available for you.

We’d Love For You To Join Us Live…

Spend 3 Live Days With Us, and We’ll Help You Make Radical Transformations In Your Business

So let me level with you and be completely transparent here…

I want to support you as your coach, in either my Masterminds or my Mentorship. 

And yet, what we know is that when you can see the next few steps up ahead, and actually see how the plan is going to work for you, you’ll take action much more quickly.

We’d Love For You To Join Us Live…

Spend 3 Live Days With Us, and We’ll Help You Make Radical Transformations In Your Business

So let me level with you and be completely transparent here…

I want to support you as your coach, in either my Masterminds or my Mentorship. 

And yet, what we know is that when you can see the next few steps up ahead, and actually see how the plan is going to work for you, you’ll take action much more quickly.
That’s why I’m happy to show you that it’s not only possible, but COMPLETELY available for you.

My clients and I have proven it.

Here are just a few of the coaches we’ve helped to grow…

I’d Love Nothing More Than For You To Get In On This

I’d Love Nothing More Than For You To Get In On This Live Workshop With Us On February 14th…

And right now is just $97.
(But if you don’t like it, that’s ok, you can get a refund…) 
In this 3-Day Immersion Workshop, I’m going to walk you through exactly how to launch using my proven system - AND exactly how to set up your evergreen sales system so you can support consistent cash flow, and give yourself more time and freedom. 

And for the first time ever outside of my high level courses, masterminds and mentorships ($1k-120k), I’m revealing the exact online sales strategies and systems that are working for my own business, and my clients’.

Founder of Global Online Training Empire Unstoppable Success
Positive Psychologist MSc BSC CTLLS IPPA
Award Winning & Best-Selling Hay House Author
Triple Certified High Performance & Success Coach CHPC

Founder of Global Online Training Empire Unstoppable Success
Positive Psychologist MSc BSC CTLLS IPPA
Award Winning & Best-Selling Hay House Author
Triple Certified High Performance & Success Coach CHPC



  • Walking you through the inside of my multi 7-figure business and what is working NOW when it comes to funnels
  • Showing you the most effective application of my method, no matter what stage of growth you are at in your coaching business
  • Making sure you don’t get stuck spinning your wheels making the tech and funnel mistakes I see so many women coaches making
  • How to simplify your funnel build so you actually love the process, as well as the results
  • Where DMs fit into your funnel process, and how to use this strategy without spending all day in your inbox (because you want to build a business, not give yourself a job)
  • How to know if a webinar is the right funnel for your business - and exactly how to set up this funnel step-by-step
  • The strategy for launching a free or paid challenge group that grows your audience and converts to 5-figures, 6-figures, or 7-figures in sales.
By the end of this bonus implementation workshop, I’m going to show you how to structure and actually build a sales funnel that is going to grow your audience, build awareness and affinity, and help you sign more clients, both now, and in the long run. This session will run Thursday January 14th Noon - 2:00pm Pacific Time. 



  • Supporting you to understand how to put the Generosity Marketing Method into action in your coaching business so you can both learn this method, and actually use it to grow
  • Lasering in on your specific goal so you know which piece to implement first, based on your phase of growth
  • Helping you see beyond this month with a strategic plan to get your coaching business accelerating in 2021 like never before
  • The exact template you can use to get out of overwhelm and know what to focus on each day in the areas of generosity, connection, and growth
  • Plus… I’m gifting you with some really epic bonuses so you can fast-track your growth and get ahead
By the end of this bonus implementation workshop, I’ll make sure you walk away with the step-by-step strategy, exact next steps, and a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to put this method into action effectively in your coaching business.
Niyc is on a mission to help millions of people transform their lives through coaching, entrepreneurship and positive psychology and is doing so every day through her masterminds, certification, online courses, podcast, and books. 
Niyc is a Brit based in Beverly Hills, and proudly travels the world to speak on big stages and run her own live events. She won Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015, Psychology Book Of The Year 2017, and Most Outstanding Positive Psychologist 2018.
She has built a multi-million dollar business using the layered launch method and mastered launching from masterclasses, challenges, paid workshops, and live events and selling millions of dollars of programs on evergreen too. 
Niyc has been featured in numerous mainstream media, was named in Forbes as a “Legendary Entrepreneur” and her award-winning and best-selling book, “Now Is Your Chance: a 30-Day Guide To Living Your Happiest Life Using Positive Psychology”, is published by the world's largest mind, body and spirit publisher, Hay House.


How is this different from other online trainings?

The Layered Launch Method is the only fully integrated end to end model, marketing, and sales strategy that teaches you how to systemize your offers, campaigns, and client acquisition process so you know exactly what you’re selling when, and how you’re going to do that for maximum results - making sure you’re not leaving money on the table… and so you retain your sanity in the process. It's the most comprehensive training workshop I’ve ever led in my 10 years+ as a coach (& it's taken me 3 months to plan it all for you). In my webinars, challenges and workshops in the past I’ve taught tips and points to support you - this time we are going in deep with teaching you my entire methodology. It's the kind of in depth method you'd only be able to work on if you're working 1:1 with a coach or strategist, but I'm giving you it all here in the live workshop so you get set up with the sequences for success. 

What kind of results can I expect? 

Playing full out in the workshop means you’re going to be equipped with a high level structure and strategy to help you scale your launches AND be able to switch on a flow of new client leads any time of the year - even when you’re not launching… even when your offers are open all year round… and yes, even if you feel like you’ve been “selling all of the time”... You’re getting the chance to add thousands of dollars to your cash sheet this month, next month, and for years to come, when you learn, apply, and integrate The Layered Launch Method. 

Has this worked for other people? 

The Layered Launch Method is a system I’ve been using in my own business for the last 3 years and I’ve been teaching it behind the scenes in my high level ($15,000 - $42,000) masterminds to help our students get results. I’ve mastered being able to sell millions of dollars of high ticket coaching, online courses, memberships, events, and private mentorship through big online launches, on the phone, on social media, and via DM, and have helped our clients make more than $27million dollars using this method too. Don’t believe me - just check out this page and any of my websites and you’ll see examples of these huge results. 

What will this help me with? 

The real problem is you’re approaching your business with a fixed mindset - thinking you can only launch, or only be evergreen. You have no real structure or system and you’re going month to month just hoping for the best. By the time you get to the end of the quarter or the end of the year you’re looking at your financial targets and wondering why you missed the mark. 

If you're launching and you make it to the end of your launch without burning out… and you’ve celebrated, recovered your energy, and reset your focus, you have no idea where to start or how to sell your offers authentically now you’re out of launch - because you just told everybody they had a deadline to buy. So you feel like you “have” to launch, and you ramp up all over again and set up your launch machine to go again. 

Or, if you’re running your business on evergreen you're convinced your audience are tired of you selling the same things to them over and over again and you're confused about what order to sell things in, how to do that, and when. 

Why should I do this now?

The online world moves so quickly and there’s always a new strategy or a new tool or a new tactic you can use within your coaching business. And that’s exactly why you need to act right now so you can have an actual system and plan to slot these new tools and tactics into, without it feeling like a mess, without you getting overwhelmed, and so you can actually get predictable, repeatable, results that mean you and your business continue to grow. 

Why Niyc?

I’ve been working as a teacher and coach for more than a decade now and have been running online businesses since 2010. Since then I’ve worked with more than 10,000 online businesses to help them create success, including 6-figure, 7-figure, 8-figure, and even 9-figure entrepreneurs. I started my business from my dining room table in my freezing cold £450 per month apartment in Newcastle, UK, and now live in Beverly Hills in a $5Million dollar home. Through my journey I’ve been able to master building multiple 5 different 6-figure, and 7-figure revenue streams including high level masterminds, certification programs, live events, online courses, and memberships, sold using both launches and evergreen. I’ve been trusted to teach from some of the most prestigious stages in the world, including in front of thousands at Brendon Burchard’s Expert Academy event. I’ve interviewed Elon Musk, been featured in big media like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Goop talking about my work, and have been on safari and to Necker Island with Sir Richard Branson. 

How does it work?

When you sign up for The Layered Launch Method workshop you’ll be invited to the private Facebook group where the workshop takes place. You’ll also receive 3 x BONUS Video Trainings in your email inbox to help you get clear on your goal for the workshop and get you into the energy of The Layered Launch Method straight away. On February 14/15/16th we’ll be going live together every day for a 2hr training session at 9:30am Pacific (5:30pm UK) - I’ll teach for around 90 minutes and there will be a Q&A each day where you can get all of your questions answered. You’ll be given the framework, the mindsets, the structure, and the actual steps to implement all of this into your business so you can integrate both launching and evergreen and have those big cash launches and consistent money months in your coaching business. 

How do I get started?

You can sign up for The Layered Launch Method on this page right now, grab your spot for the workshop, and start working through your3 x BONUS Video Trainings delivered to your email. You’re also getting BONUS access to my proven Layered Launch Method Cash Tracker Spreadsheet so you can see exactly how much monthly recurring revenue you’re creating & plan your way to your goals. You’re getting the exact spreadsheet I use to map out my year using the Layered Launch Method… PLUS… you’ll receive a Personalized Assessment so you can get my eyes on your business and know exactly the steps you need to take next to grow and scale. I usually only teach this method in my $15,000 - $42,000 masterminds but you’re getting access to The Layered Launch Method workshop ticket for just $97. AND if you don’t love the workshop, just ask for your money back and I’ll refund your ticket right away. 

What will I be missing out on?

Let’s face it, if you’re not in the workshop you’re going to miss out on getting the method that can transform your business this year - and that means missing out on new client sales, and tens of thousands of dollars of monthly recurring revenue thats available to you when you get this method implemented and integrated into your business. By getting in the workshop you’re protecting yourself, your team, and your business from unnecessary - and expensive - energy drains that are affecting your ability to show up in your brand and business as your most aligned, energized, and powerful self. I want you to get ahead, I want you to have the peace of mind that this structure brings, the security of being able to map out your marketing and your monthly recurring revenues, and the joy and fulfillment of reaching your 2022 goals. 

I have scheduled client sessions that overlap with part of the training... or I have to work... Will there be a replay available? 

I’ll be doing a Q&A each day so for maximum results in your business you’re going to want to show up LIVE. All of the sessions are also recorded and the replays will be shared in the Facebook group. Plus I created a private members area for you, which you’ll get access to after the workshop has finished, and have the entire workshop course in there to watch back. I encourage you to block out the time in your calendar now to eliminate distractions and give yourself a few hours per day during the week commencing February 14th to work on this methodology. Your future self will thank yourself for it. 

Where is the workshop held? Do I need a link for the Facebook group? 

Yes you certainly do! The workshop is held in a private Facebook group which has been created specifically for this training. You’ll get the link as soon as you register your ticket - you'll see all of the instructions on the thank-you page once you sign up, and we will also remind you of the link via email too.

I'm already at 7-figures+ in my business... Is this for me? 

Yes. We have lots of million dollar earners signed up for the workshop already! I've worked with many multiple 7-figure business owners to implement The Layered Launch Method into their business. My clients regularly double their 7-figure businesses within a few months of us working together. My own mindset is always that of a student - I'm always open and ready to learn. At the higher levels it only takes one tiny thing to make a huge difference in your business and The Layered Launch Method is a sure fire way to set yourself up for success. 

I'm at the 6-figure+ mark in my business... Is this for me? 

Yes. The Layered Launch Method can help you scale your business from the 6 or multi 6-figure mark to accelerate to your million dollar+ business. I did this back in 2016/17 and have helped so many other women coaches do this too. 

I'm just starting out... Is this for me? 

Yes. This approach transcends the stage of your business you are at. It can help accelerate your revenue when you’re just getting started, and can help you grow and scale when you are already on your way. I usually reserve teaching my Layered Launch Method for my high level clients within programs - but for the first time ever I'm teaching it here within the workshop so I can help as many people as possible grow like never before during these times. 

I've got another question - where should I ask it? 

Follow me on Instagram and send me a DM there - I love hanging out on IG and it's my favorite place to chat with you! My IG handle is @niycpidge
Earnings and income representations made by Niyc Pidgeon, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings’ potential. The success of Niyc Pidgeon, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Niyc Pidgeon’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
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